Short lessons on the go


The Human Skin

The thickest skin is found on your feet and the thinnest area of skin is your eyelids.

Your skin renews itself every 28 days and sheds about 9 pounds of dead skin cells every year.

There are at least five types of receptors in the skin that respond to pain and touch.

Changes in your skin can often be a warning sign of a medical condition or changes in your body’s health.

Some of the dust in your home may actually be dead skin.

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Open Hands

Your skin has some nerves that are connected to your muscles to help you react more quickly to extreme temperatures or pain.

Your skin makes up about 15% of your total body weight.

A single square inch of skin has about 300 sweat glands. The average adult has nearly 21 square feet of skin that contains over 11 miles of blood vessels.

Short lessons on the go


The Human Skin