Short lessons on the go


The Inner Ear

The earwax inside your ears is actually made up of a combination of oil, sweat and dead skin cells. Earwax forms a barrier inside your ear canal and it helps to keep your ears clean. The earwax is sticky by design so it will trap debris and particles and protect your ears.

Your ears have the smallest bones found in the human body. Actually, there are three bones in your ear and all of them fall into this class. Technically these bones are referred to as “ossicles”. They are designed to aid with sound transmittal. These bones capture the sound from the air then relay them back to the brain.

Your earlobes will never stop growing, regardless what genetics provided you with.

Changes in your skin can often be a warning sign of a medical condition or changes in your body’s health.

Some of the dust in your home may actually be dead skin. The ear contains more than 20,000 hair cells.

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The inner ear is surprisingly small, as it is no bigger than the circumference of a pencil eraser. The hardest bone in the human body is the temporal bone.

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Sound waves as low as 20 Hz, and as high as 20,000 Hz, can be picked up by the human ear. Your ability to hear relies upon the tiny hairs that are located deep within the ear. Without these hairs, you wouldn’t be able to hear.

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Ears don’t just help you hear; they also help you keep your balance. You never stop hearing, even in your sleep! Thankfully, the human brain learns to ignore the sounds so that you can sleep soundly.

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Every year you get a “new” ear canal, this is from the skin in the ear canal. The skin grows approximately 1.3 inches a year, so it pushes out the old skin. Out with the old, in with the new!

Short lessons on the go


The Human Skin